Vital Oxide kills SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in 5 minutes total time.
Vital Oxide includes components that dramatically decrease the size of its particles. This increases the ability of the active solution to spread and penetrate both hard and porous surfaces. This also makes it effective against airborne pathogens by misting with the appropriate misting applicator equipment. Vital Oxide is shipped Ready To Use (RTU) as a hospital Disinfectant and may also be diluted using our customizable blending & dispensing system with on-site mixing for multiple applications, including food contact surface sanitization, carpet sanitization, and heavy-duty odor control.
(Study Submission Date was: 10.07.20) Use Disinfectants that have been tested directly against Covid 19. Vital Oxide received EPA label amendment on March 2021. Vital Oxide KILLS SARS CoV-2 in just 5 minutes.
Given that the coronavirus causing COVID-19 is now available for laboratory testing, Vital Oxide completed this test proving its effectiveness against that specific virus, with a Dwell Time of just 5 Minutes.